Jacques Hameleers
Business Change Consultant

Jacques is a seasoned finance professional with a wealth of international project management experience in his backpack. He is a visionary who can translate strategy into challenging and achievable operational objectives.

In his years of international experience, he has faced many complex challenges, such as implementing ERP systems, negotiating European subsidies, relocating head offices internationally and building a factory. The connecting factor at every step in his career has been change management.
Under his leadership, new teams have been assembled with which he has created successful and sustainable organisations through intensive collaboration and personal guidance.

Together with his fellow consultants of AnyChange he embraces the "Z-model of change". With his multidisciplinary insights, creative and pragmatic attitude, he is able to bring people with different backgrounds together and make them excel.

Jacques is a runner fanatic. His motto is: running alone is possible, but running together is more fun and healthier. And by sharing your mutual achievements you will, faster, become even better!




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